Dianna Vasiu is one of the top pianists in Romania, an award-winning artist with a wide range of activities…
Read more →Have you heard the new arrangement and recording of Adagio Amoroso by Marius Herea? For the first time in…
Read more →From Irina Maria Nitu, Luzern, Switzerland “Three days before the surgery, I received a message from Marius Herea. His…
Read more →As Marius Herea’s first and only piano teacher, I had the rare privilege to have this phenomenal child prodigy as my piano student in Romania. Our paths diverged when he was around 16 years old. Unfortunately, when Marius…
“Three days before the surgery, I received a message from Marius Herea. His beautiful words made my heart smile, and I felt instantly that I have met a great spirit, a great creator that…
(…) The Romanian born Marius Herea is a composer who writes within an unabashedly romantic idiom. His harmonic palette is lush and his sense of form unerring, both of which are exceedingly rare attributes…
My first contact with the wonderful creations of Marius Herea was “Largo”, performed by cellist Jeffrey Solow and pianist Elise Auerbach. Listening to it, it seemed pure poetry to me … I felt…
When I heard a composition by Marius Herea for the first time, I was very surprised and impressed. Surprised, because his music does not follow the contemporary musical trends and impressed, because it has…
Marius’ modern-romantic compositions are a much needed salve in today’s world. His Adagio Amoroso reminds me of a waterfall in nature and is perfect to listen to after a long day. Serenity and tranquility itself.I…
Dear Marius, Compliments for your wonderful music! This doesn’t happen really often that I actually like music written by a contemporary composer THAT much… I don’t understand why composers are searching for a new…
As one wise critic once said: ”If you don’t like Marius Herea’s music, you hate music in general.” ( n.b. American critic Jerry Dubins) I totally agree with that statement. His compositions are not…
Human creativity is infinite, the same are the creative resources. You know the saying: only imagination is the limit. As a proof, Marius Herea is doing very well, he has new and very original…
Je voudrais mettre en exergue deux aspects de ce merveilleux compositeur : son imagination fertile et son habilité à manier les subtilités de son art. Il me fait rêver à chaque nouvelle audition. Je…
J’ai découvert la musique de Marius Herea par le biais d’ une personne qui m’a fait écouter le Largo. A la première écoute de cette pièce, j’ai tout de suite dis à propos de…
His neo-romantic language is a true revelation in this age dominated by atonalism, serialism and spectralism. It consists of reminiscences from Mozart, Chopin, Brahms, Wagner, Bruckner, going up to the late-romantic chromatic palettes implemented…
I first met Marius at a photocopy center in Montreal, about 2010. He was photocopying music, so I asked him whose music it was and he replied with his amazing smile: “My own music….
Many say that music is a “medicine” for the soul. It surely is as long as we accept to let ourselves led by its magic. This magic is not a charm brought along by…
I am so thrilled & grateful to read this amazing, in depth interview with the most talented Marius Herea. His level of commitment, his deep passion & incredible gift of endless creativity, makes him…
I feel myself transported in an abyssal, mysterious world, yet concrete through the moods it transmits … Marius Herea’s music brings me a different kind of knowledge, a dream and, at the same time,…
When I hear the music of Marius Herea, I feel immediately connected to another dimension, like he does when composing. He is able to transform this experience into music, a sound of beauty, bliss…
“A few words…” by Lorena Eckell To premiere the Concerto for Piano & Orchestra in E minor by Marius Herea on February 5-th, 2009 in Ploiesti, Romania was one of the most wonderful and…
Review IVAJLA KIROVA – MY FAVORITE ENCORES (2020) Ivajla Kirova (pn) CON BRIO 22091 (61:38) RACHMANINOFF Prelude in cΤ, op. 3/2. Prelude in g, op. 23/5. CHOPIN Nocturne No. 20 in cΤ, op. posth….
“His music is very complex, refined and subtle. Every phrase brings novelty and there are sudden changes of mood which I never encountered before at such level. Besides, it is very demanding. It requires…
Marius Herea is one of the most romantic and mysterious composers of the XXI-st century. Influenced by Mozart, Chopin, Brahms and the major composers of the XIXth and XXth centuries, he creates his authentic…