My first contact with the wonderful creations of Marius Herea was “Largo”, performed by cellist Jeffrey Solow and pianist Elise Auerbach. Listening to it, it seemed pure poetry to me … ❤ I felt the notes flow and tell a beautiful, romantic, sad story, touching the most sensitive strings in the listener’s soul … Listening to other compositions, I was really fascinated. At the end of many of his works it seemed to me that I found in ether the composer’s signature in the last chord, the last note, as if suspended in the air … which leaves in the listener’s soul the echo of another world, the sensation of something that could have continued in this earthly plane. ..
Every music lover has his own way of perceiving and living what he listens to. In my case, I visualized his music in images and feelings: sensitivity, strength, majesty, grandiose passages, longing for something indefinite, restlessness or calm, melancholy, feverish searches or the joy of rediscovery … I strongly believe that we are lucky to be contemporary with one of the greatest composers in the world!


The original text in Romanian:
“Primul meu contact cu minunatele creatii ale compozitorului Marius Herea, a fost “Largo”, in interpretarea violoncelistului Jeffrey Solow si a pianistei Elise Auerbach. Ascultând-o, mi s-a parut poezie pura… ❤ Simteam cum notele curg si spun o poveste frumoasa, romantica, trista, atingand cele mai sensibile coarde din sufletul ascultătorului… Ascultând si alte compoziții, am fost realmente fascinata. La finalul multora mi se parea ca regăsesc in eter semnătura compozitorului in ultimul acord, ultima nota, parca suspendată in aer… care lasa in sufletul ascultătorului ecoul unei alte lumi, senzatia a ceva ce ar fi putut continua si in acest plan pământesc…
Fiecare iubitor de muzica are propriul lui mod de a percepe si trai ceea ce asculta. In cazul meu, am vizualizat muzica lui in imagini si sentimente: sensibilitate, forta, maiestuozitate, pasaje grandioase, dor de ceva nedefinit, neliniște sau calm, melancolie, căutări febrile sau bucuria regăsirii… Cred cu tărie ca suntem norocosi sa fim contemporani cu unul dintre cei mai mari compozitori ai lumii!”